Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why Should Marijuana Be Legal?

When it comes to the tennage and younger adult world there are a lot of drugs you can talk about.
One main drug that has the biggest attention right now is marijuana. Cannabis goes back to before mans knowledge, it had been found on every continent on this hemisphere. One of the biggest questions that has the attention of the young audience right know is: should marijuana be legal? There are so many points you can look at when asking this question, some important ones are the impotaance of marijuana, the history of marijuana and the effects marijuana has on the body. As i write this informative paper i want to catch the attention of the young audience and try to answer a lot of questions that might have arisen with this debate. I alos want to find the majo points about why marijuana is not legalized everywhere. For the places marijuana is legal why is it legal there and not other states. I think that marijuana is very important for the people to know about because there are alot of peole who criticize it and know nothing about it accept for what the media tells you. On the other hand there are people who praise it to the fullest knowing the effects it can have on you not only ohysically but also mentally too.

Some pros on legalizing marijuana are: we can treat drug abouse as a medical problem and not a criminal. U>S> can tax revenues and have more money to put on the awareness of the drugs affects and treatment. It will put a decrease on the violence and deaths due to unregulated black market trade on marijuana. one of the biggest is alcohol. Some cons that come with legalizing marijuana are the effects is has on you body: loss of restlesness, excitement, hallucinations, paranoia, psychotic episodes, impaired coordination, impaired motor abllilty, mood swings, increased appetite, loss of brain cells, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, energy loss, slow confused thinking, apathy, and blood vessel blockage, adolescents can disrupt emotional development,, delay puberty, and can delay the montly cycle in females, marijuana may produce a mild physical dependence that causes minor withdrawal symptoms when discontinued, including nausea, insomnia, irritability and anxiety. there are also some other physical affects that marijuana has such as: diarrhea, cramps, weight loss or gain, impaired sex drive.

In conclusion i want this paper to get the message across that marijuana is not as bad as everybody think it is. Instead of researching and getting knowledge on the drug people just listen to the media and dont have a clue what they are talking about. I want to bring closure to all critizing about marijuana and i feel that this is not just for my audience this is also for me to also make sure that there is something i am not missing about marijuana that makes it so bad.